We’ve worked with the EPSRC on several projects over the last couple of years, helping to communicate to the public what the EPSRC is and its role in society, and this project was no exception.
Engineering and physical sciences stimulate growth in many of the UK’s most vital sectors and without them the UK’s ability to generate future growth would be severely damaged. As such, it’s essential for the EPSRC to demonstrate how the research it supports is vital to contributing towards the UK’s growth – something that is always important, but even more so in this tough economic climate.
And that’s where we came in. We needed to create a concept that was bold, memorable and instantly communicated the idea of growth for the economy to audiences including government, the general public, businesses and academia.
We created a campaign brand that consisted of the word ‘growth’ made up from different industry sector icons such as health, construction and engineering. The primary colour palette used pure Cyan, Yellow or Magenta as a backdrop to Black and White cut-out photography which added drama and visual interest, whilst being sector specific.
The campaign will be launched at the Cheltenham Science Festival in June, and then be used at other events, on press releases and the EPSRC’s website to build on the initial launch.

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