Sometimes it's the simplest solutions that get the best results. Case in point, we've just completed a project for The Technology Partnership (who spookily also refer to themselves as TTP - no relation!).
As a bit of background, TTP is a technology and product development company. They work in partnership with their clients to bring new products to market, creating new business from advances in technology – developing and commercialising diverse technologies and products across a broad range of sectors.
So how to communicate this in an interesting, dynamic and innovative way? The original plan was to create an interactive corporate presentation featuring an animated company overview and multiple case-studies. To make matters more complicated they wanted to be able to edit and add to these case-studies at any time. Hmmm.
Lots of different technical solutions were considered but for time, cost and practicality we ended up producing the whole thing in PowerPoint. Now, at the mere mention of Powerpoint, most designers groan in disappointment. It's well known that PowerPoint often produces tedious, poorly designed presentations with nothing going for them apart from the fact that they can be edited with ease and usually have some sort of clip-art or tacky sound-effects attached.
However, with judicial use of embedded video and plenty of interactive links to take the user around the presentation, it's amazing what can be produced. In order to personalise the company and 'keep it real' (as the kids say) they commissioned us to undertake both a team photoshoot at their own offices and a separate product shoot at a photography studio. This gave us striking images to work with that kept the whole presentation both impactful and consistent.
The full video animation was split into five different sections - each can be viewed independently within the main PowerPoint presentation using a simple menu. You can see all five sections together in the full piece here.

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