Friday 13 November 2009

Joining or creating a bandwagon!

I'm not sure if posting part of an email is a blog, but i'll put it down to my experimentation with social media before anyone starts reading or following my monologues!  I'm trying to get my mind in order after the very inspiring yet worrying launch of a new mini publication that the email refers to and just scratching the surface of a subject area that everyone seems to be talking about in different ways for different outcomes with the same end game - to save the planet and we've got just 10 years to do it.

Worrying stuff, for starters i may still be alive! (Bit selfish.)
So I'll be joining forums, catching up and in the process decide if we are joining a band wagon or that if, with a bit of inspiration, we may be able to create one.

So the email is a response to the DBA following a request for feedback on subject material for future seminars after the very rich and interesting one given on social media by Gemma Went earlier this week. The extract goes:

"I have been going to a few non design talks recently but these have been overshadowed by one run by tommow's company at the House of Lords on Wednesday. It was entitled 'qualitative growth' and launched a paper by the ICAEW and was supported by the WWF.  It set the real agenda for businesses and the paradigm shift that is required within the next 10 years. I also went to the tomorrow's company Al Gore lecture last year on climate change with his 10 year deadline. This in itself was eye opening but watered down CSR, sustainability and climate change initiatives have not really tackled the issues - we await the outcome of the summit next month. Unlike many there, I had not heard of Hazel Henderson or Fritjof Capra but they were the key speakers by video link. Their revelations and recommendations were quite shocking but are the issues that we must all be looking at, whether we agree with them or not. I'll be looking into this more and trying to find ways that as designers we can help this 'transformational change' take place. There is a lot of disparate info out there but a bit more focus on this area by the DBA and design publications will really help designers like us to advise and influence clients."

Google here I come...

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